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August 8, 2021 / paulio10


How are your life goals and projects going so far this year? Are you making progress?

It’s important to maintain your Hope – see a positive future for yourself and those close to you, for your neighborhood, city, state, country, and world. Keeping a positive attitude can help you avoid being depressed and give up on your goals and plans – which would be a terrible happening for you. The future is bright and happy, we are heading towards this great future, to live greater lives than we do today, to help and support more people than we have in the past, and be supported by more people ourselves with joy and happiness than ever before. It’s coming, we’re creating it.

The problem of course, is that there are many sources of painful and overwhelming thoughts all around us, impressed upon us from other people, and from what we think we see happening in the world. The news is just the worst, at bringing to us the most depressing and hurtful things. The news is not News – it is not a balanced view of good and bad happening in the world. I know this, because they only show the bad; when I look at what’s going on all around me, I see a lot of good – so I know the news is trying to deceive everyone.

The same is true for social media. We’re discovering now that the loudest and most hurtful posters are the ones who get the attention, creating a feedback loop of reward for the loudest and most hurtful, while ignoring the good and futuristic and successful and happy. This is how you can know that social media is another source of pain and agony for you, if you focus on it too much. Be conscious of the imbalance and non-reality of social media; find a way to use these things in moderation.

Focus on your Plan – your Projects – your Tasks: what if you were able to complete a huge part of what you want in your life, by following your tasks, Projects, and Plan, over the next 3 months? If each day you reduce the amount of hurtful inputs in your life (news, social media) – and increase the amount of time spent on your own Tasks, Projects, and Plan – how great will that be in the future? Don’t you want to live in that future, where you have the things you only dreamed of, in the past?

Once you do this a few times, you will probably become addicted like I am – for any moment, considering how you could spend your time: another hour of browsing social media (depressing), or an hour of working on my Projects and Goals? Making real progress towards things I want to achieve in my life, ways I am planning on helping other people in the world, and improving my own life? It’s a lot more fun to have control over something, rather than no control. To focus positively, rather than negatively.

By focusing on what is great and joyful in your life, you also radiate joy and happiness to those around you. You automatically smile a big brighter, speak clearer, with more energy; your body literally emits joy to all those around you. This may confuse some people (“why are they so happy right now?”), yet it has a great affect on the world.

Find a way to stay positive, for yourself; garner the self-confidence to be internally strong within yourself. Then share that with the world.

We all need your happiness and joy and positivity. I’ll share mine with you – will you share yours with others?

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